The EAITSM Inc. Members Blog

Arbitration Services for the ITSM Community


Arbitration Services


The EAITSM Inc. started to offer Arbitration Services to the ITSM community based on demand from professionals in the business arena. Our Arbitration Services are mainly in the form of Amicable Dispute Resolution, which is also referred to as Mediation. The service is provided through partner firms, which may be extended to formal arbitration with binding resolution in the future and depending on the need of the dispute resolution parties.

Arbitration services aim at helping the community individuals and companies to reach a mutually satusfactiry resolution for their disputes resulting from business interactions. In case of contract or any form of agreement documenting the details and conditions of the interaction, the resolution can be according to the contractual relationship, and shall be more straightforward for the involved parties, where the issue can lie only in misunderstanding of the documented terms of agreement, or a situation not covered by the agreement terms. If there is no documented agreement, evidences and mutual consent of the represntatives of the involved parties are sought.

Arbitration or Mediation sessions are progressive, and can take as short or prolonged time as the needed, depending on the size and nature of the dispute, and the flexbility of the involved parties. Meetings are agreed with the parties, usually on individual basis as one-to-one meetings with the arbitrator or mediator, until final agreement is reached. Mediation parties should be willing to reach an agreement and approach the mediator based on mutual desire for resolution, different from arbitration where one party can call for the arbitration service against the other party, and can lead to a legal mandate with court order.

Willingness of the two parties to get to a mediation service to resolve their dispute will save them a lot of cost and time over using other options. We are thus offering this service to the community to help them in getting over business obstacles and devote their resources to more productive business activities.


Know more about our Arbitration Services here:

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